
We’ve put together useful resources that you can download for free while you do your due diligence on comparing programs. These information-packed guides are expertly written by our award-winning instructors.

UI/UX Design School Comparisons

We’ve put together a comparison guide based on data pulled from the websites of major UI/UX design schools. We compared the top 12 most popular programs on the market.

UI/UX Designer Salary Guide

Money matters – luckily, UI/UX designers are among some of the best-paid professions. We’ve broken down the data by major cities in countries with the most (tech) jobs for designers.

UI/UX Design Interview Questions

To help students in the portfolio stage become better interviewers, we’ve put together this UI/UX design interview guide with suggested answers to the most frequently-asked questions.

UI/UX Design Case Study Templates

To help students in the stage of putting together their case studies, we have prepared an expert guide written by our award-winning instructors which includes tips and templates.
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