Student Outcomes
Career Outcomes of Our Graduates
Average Salary Increase
Average Starting Salary
Employed Within 6 Months
Where Our Students Work
Student Work
Take a look at some of the amazing results our students have produced. By learning design at Path Unbound, you can expect results on this level as well.
Sydney Hartman
School of Design
Sydney Hartman enrolled in School of Design and started putting her work together – half way through the program, she was hired full time as a designer before even finishing the program!
Parker is a self-taught designer who invested in our professional career program and transformed her career prospect.
Gainful Employment
Full-Time Employment
Graduates from Path Unbound School of Design and Portfolio School have demonstrated strong understanding of design principles, comparable to their peers from top design programs at university level, and excellent on-the-job career skills that have helped them land design jobs at companies, large and small, around the world.
Our graduates now work at a wide variety of industries and high-impact companies, including Twitter, Pinterest, Microsoft and more.