The results are in...

Thank you for taking the time to share your design career journey with us. We understand your frustration and want to help you turn your design job search around, for the better, starting today.



You seem to have the basics covered and are proficient in design foundational knowledge.


There is at least one indicator that you are lacking in the portfolio and career skills department. Although it would be great if our work speaks for itself, but it’s not enough. It is the most basic requirement to have great design skills, but if you lack portfolio, personal branding and career skills, other candidates who excel in those areas will often have a leg up against you.


Now that we understand the problem, the path ahead of you is clear.


You need to prioritize receiving coaching in career skills and portfolio development.


Personal brand building is a crucial component of your success in the job hunting process. Without an outstanding personal brand, you will have trouble standing out among thousands of applicants who are equally competent in design.


Make sure your resume receives higher than 80% ATS score because if you do not, your resume will not even be read by most big companies. It is a technical subject that professionals and coaches trained in ATS optimization can help you.

Recommended Action Plan


Work with design career coaches or professional portfolio building programs to improve your resume ATS score.


Receive in-depth feedback for your portfolio to identify areas of improvements. It’s not enough to cover the basics – you need advice from top industry professionals and hiring managers.


Do a deep dive in where you are the weakest in interview skills, including your presentation skills, storytelling abilities and interpersonal communication skills. It’s best to receive feedback through mock interviews and formal coaching because it’s hard to judge our own ability.


Schedule a free, 30 minute call with us to find out if one of our programs can help you achieve your design career goals.

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