Instructor Highlight

Nelcy Nunez

UI/UX Designer

New York, NY

Nelcy Núñez brings over a decade of hands-on experience in the design industry, including UX/UI design, user research, design thinking, marketing design, and visual design.

She’s worn many hats, from managing visual and marketing design to leading UX and small design teams. Now, her focus is on helping design students deepen their knowledge of the craft and kickstart their creative careers.

Nelcy's Specialties

UI/UX Design

Design Thinking

User Research

Visual Design

Marketing Design

Nelcy's Work

Nelcy's Experience


Years Working

I like to help students become business-savvy UI/UX designers with my diverse experience in this field by giving clear instructions and empathizing with the needs of learners.

Nelcy Nunez

UI/UX Designer

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