Instructor Highlight

Shannen Sapar

Product Designer

Davao, Philippines

Shannen is an experienced fractional product designer with a decade of experience in design. She has a strong foundation in user-centered design methodologies and approaches her projects holistically, creating digital experiences that seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality. Shannen has worked with clients in diverse industries, including AI, prop-tech, fintech, and digital healthcare.

Shannen's Specialties

Product Design

Design Foundation

UI/UX Design

Design Community

Portfolio Coaching

Visual Design

Shannen's Work

Shannen's Experience


Years Working

As a design community builder and product designer, I live and breathe design every day and love helping aspiring designers achieve their goals because it means our community will be stronger. I look forward to helping students at Path Unbound become great designers!

Shannen Sapar

Product Designer

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