Path Unbound Membership

Learn Affordably with Membership

We are committed to providing affordable ways for the creative community to advance their careers. Learn on-demand with a monthly price and purchase instructor sessions as needed. Not sure which plan is best for you, book a call with us.


Learn affordably with on-demand instructor support


per month

Unlimited access to all foundational lessons, exercises and quizzes

Access to student slack channel

10% discounts to paid live events

On-demand instructor sessions at $150 per session


Learn comprehensively with on-demand instructor support


per month

Unlimited access to all foundational and advanced lessons, exercises and quizzes

Access to basic Portfolio School lessons

Access to student slack channel

20% discounts to paid live events

On-demand instructor sessions at $100 per session


For companies with employee education needs


per month

Dedicated support

Discounts per seat

Discounts for group live training

Strategic partnership opportunities

Other custom benefits will be discussed during intro meeting

Ready to learn with an instructor?

Our learn on-demand membership options are great for students testing out the water but if you are serious about a successful career in design, our full program is right for you.

Compare Plans



Full Course

Foundational lessons, exercises and quizzes

Advanced lessons, exercises and quizzes

Basic Portfolio School lessons

On-demand instructor sessions





Student Slack channel

Discounts to events

10% discount

20% discount



Unlimited homework support

Student advisory sessions

Weekly instructor sessions included

Dedicated portfolio coaching and career services

Student customer support


Our full program is an end-t0-end design career program with full instructor support with weekly sessions and homework support, as well as regular student advisory sessions from our student success team. The full program also includes Portfolio School, which is crucial to your success as a career-ready designer.


The learn on-demand membership program is for students who are testing the water or prefer to learn on a lower budget relying more on self studying. They are able to purchase individual instructor sessions at a per session price as needed. However, there is no portfolio support or career coaching unless the student upgrades to our full program.

We want to provide an easier way for students who want to study design with a self study, no-pressure schedule. Much of the cost for our full program goes to make sure we provide extensive instructor and student advisory support to ensure our students' success. We also have designed advanced lessons and exercises to ensure our students develop their craft well before graduation.


Taking away these elements, we still have a fully functional course that could be valuable to those who do not need this level of support and therefore, we can provide our expertly-written curriculum at a more simple capacity to those who need it.

You will have access to the course as long as your membership payment is current.

Yes, you can!

You will be able to have a single session of an hour with an instructor of your choice when you purchase individual sessions as needed. However, you will not be provided with homework support outside of the session time, unlike our full program students.

Advanced lessons and exercises contain topics that are considered specialized and more difficult - we do not showcase these lessons or exercises in the learn on-demand model.

No, you do not receive homework support with learn on-demand, but you may ask any questions you like should you decide to purchase individual instructor sessions any time during your course.

You will not be able to receive our Portfolio School coaching with learn on-demand. However, you are welcome to apply to Portfolio School any time during your study if you think you are ready. We will evaluate your application, your assessment results and your interview holistically to determine if you are qualify to join Portfolio School.

No, we do not offer free trials.

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