Our short courses on various specialized areas of design are perfect for students needing to fill in knowledge gaps or working designers looking to upskill.
Want to improve or learn the fundamental pillars of visual design to be competitive in the job market? You will become completely proficient in design foundation in this course.
Want to improve or learn everything about designing user interface for mobile apps, web, dashboards or any user interface? This course will cover all aspects of UI design.
Want to create and maintain an impeccable design system that facilitates cross-team collaboration? This course will teach you the ins and outs of it.
Design is nothing without considering users with different abilities. In this course, you will learn to design digital products with accessibility considerations.
Want to learn how to create brand design for the world’s most famous brands or establish new brand identities for any businesses? This course will teach you how!
Want to art direct your own creative projects, manage a team of creatives and direct large-scale creative projects? You’ll learn the know-how and put it into practice in this course.
If you are a visual designer, graphic designer, brand designer etc. and want to add UX design to your toolbox to stay competitive in the job market, this course is perfect for you.
Short courses are great but they don’t start careers for you if you are brand new to design. Our full design career program can help you do that.